Ginger Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, Hot Pink Roses, Pink Tulips, Hot Pink Gerberas, Pink Miniature Carnations, Fuchsia Heather.
Charming and sophisticated, this sweet bouquet is a perfect choice! Featuring a stunning mix of hot pink roses, gerberas, pink tulips, mini carnations, and more, Sweet Pink Mystique is a magnificent mix bursting with color. Share the love and send some magic today with this vibrant bouquet!
This attractive bouquet is sure to delight! The purple carnations, lavender stock, mini orange spray roses, and orange lily create a brilliant bouquet that will dazzle those who receive it. Jubilation is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care!
Show your team how much you care this Administrative Professionals Day by sending a bouquet of fresh flowers. Your staff will be delighted to receive a special gift from you and will be able to enjoy them all week long! Administrative Professionals Day is all about showing your appreciation to your staff. Let TRENDSETTERS DESIGN, INC take care of everything for you, all you have to do is call, click or stop by!